Insights to inform your strategic development
Data-informed insights guide our business. Just as our gathered data supports global organizations including NAFSA and the APLU, our market trend research, renowned agent surveys and the intelligence they provide can inform your strategies.
Our insight teams work with international education partners to provide actionable intelligence…
Track and analyze global market trends
Our analysis of global data provides insights into international student mobility, including demand surges, preferred study levels and subject choices. We offer longitudinal analysis by destination country and support the higher education community through joint publications.

Explore our latest work! Discover our findings on global student mobility using primary source data and interactive mapping tools. Download our presentations for international conferences or simply browse our thinking over the last five years. If you would like to contribute, please submit your work to blog@intoglobal.com for consideration.

Blog archive
2024 articles

Being there matters: Personal lessons from a week in Vietnam

AIEC 2024: Australia’s Policy Pains: A Crisis or Catalyst for Opportunity?

BUILA 2024: Six things to be certain about in an uncertain international student recruitment landscape

What are the best practices in sponsored student recruitment and support?
2023 articles

A glimpse into the future of international education – a view from a Land Down Under

Beware of large numbers. Is your market sizing being misled by published analysis?

INTO agent survey: International student mobility becoming more diverse and more accessible to students than ever before
2022 articles

Why international students seek out SLU for STEM health degrees

Mapping Gen Z: Where student populations are growing, and what that means for international education

What flexibility and affordability mean to international students

In pursuit of a positive impact: Pandemic leads international students to forge futures in biosciences and health care

Shaping our shared future: Growing interest in computer science and engineering among international students

Fostering the entrepreneurial spirit and economic contributions of international students

Through their eyes: Understanding Gen Z’s diverse perspectives and ambitions

New year, new views: Positivity toward US up among education agents in China and worldwide
2021 articles

Is in-person learning irreplaceable? Agent perspectives on emerging and enduring international education trends in the context of COVID-19

Setting the stage for recovery: Four student mobility trends informing International Education Week 2021

Applying new lenses to learning: How Gen Z students have adjusted their focus from rankings to outcomes amid COVID-19

Flipping the script: Facilitating Gen Z student success and post-pandemic recovery in international education

Ready to rebound: What enduring enthusiasm for exchange and employability means for international education

Versatile recruitment in a changing world: Incorporating sponsored student recruitment into your institution’s internationalization strategy

Intentional engagement in extraordinary times: Success Factor educational consultants on reaching students and driving recovery in Pakistan

Light at the end of the tunnel? Perspectives on resilience and recovery in India from Shiksha Study Abroad

All things not equal: SEVIS data show COVID-19 took disproportionate toll on language programs in U.S.

2021 in focus: Asymmetric recovery among top sending countries for international students in U.S.

2021 in focus: Emerging priorities spell shifting pursuits for international students

Causes for celebration and concern: A three-year perspective on female international students in STEM at U.S. institutions

2020 in the rearview: What discrepancies in pre-pandemic declines imply for U.S. institutions’ recoveries
2020 articles

The proof is in the partnership: NAFSA, APLU, and INTO analysis finds universities with recruitment/pathway partners are more likely to see international enrollment growth

Endowments and international enrollments: How much does your university depend on foreign students?

COVID-19 in context: Only the strong survive?

What matters most: Togetherness in INTO’s U.K. centres during COVID-19

COVID-19 in context: What can we learn from previous shocks to tertiary mobility?

First-wave supporters: INTO China sees international students through COVID-19 crisis

All hands on deck: Helping international students navigate the COVID-19 crisis

“Hundreds of potential futures” at the INTO London Progression Fair
2019 articles

INTO North America: Year in review

Paradigm shift: The rise of math and computer science among international students

Open Doors Report 2019: Things can only get better

INTO Queen’s at ten

The road home: Orientation 2019 at INTO’s American partner universities

Symbiotic partnership: Supporting university mission through comprehensive internationalization

When one size does not fit all: Tailoring student experience at INTO’s student services conference

Partnering for student success: Teaching and learning innovations at the INTO academic directors’ conference

Do US party politics matter to international students?

Great expectations: How to cater to Gen Z international students

Global agent poll: A crystal ball for international education?

SEVIS 2019: How changing international student enrollment patterns affect some states more than others (part two)

SEVIS 2019: Language training, associate degrees, and considerations of distortion (part one)