Karen Bridges
Center Director, INTO University of East AngliaKaren joined INTO University of East Anglia in June 2023, after being Centre Director at INTO City, University of London since May 2019.
From an early career in the NHS as a Registered Nurse, Midwife and Health Visitor, Karen made her first move into a career in education via Further Education (FE). Several geographical moves took Karen to the East of England where she joined a large FE and higher education college to manage an NHS workforce development contract, in association with the University of Essex and Anglia Ruskin University. In a five-year period, Karen grew the contract and provision to represent a quarter of the college's total income, providing allied health professionals across multiple disciplines to NHS East of England.
Following a personal tragedy in 2009 Karen changed career. Completing a Masters in Systemic Leadership with the Tavistock, she became a Professional Interim Manager and Consultant. Over a 10-year period, Karen developed a reputation in the FE and HE sectors she worked with, for her commercial acumen and curriculum development skills, as well as for her ability to turnaround failing provision and deliver a professional and exemplary student experience. Karen’s final interim project was with INTO Queens University Belfast, from where she caught the INTO bug.
When not working Karen can be found outdoors (Forest, Moors, Beach and Fenland) with her very special English Bull Terrier Jumble — who is food for mind, body and soul.
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